The Deck
The archetype functions as a valuable instrument for comprehending and envisioning potential scenarios. It aids us in recognizing and dissecting underlying patterns and behaviors that hold the potential to shape alternative visions of the future.

Time Horizon
The time horizon designates a distinct timeframe or a range of time ahead, serving as the framework for comprehending and anticipating potential developments and trends.

Drivers of Change
Drivers of change encompass the influential forces that drive and mold societal, technological, and economic transformations. Gaining an understanding of and closely monitoring these drivers is imperative for effectively anticipating and adapting to future trends.

Leaders & Movements
Leaders are individuals who possess the ability to exert influence and provide guidance, steering others toward a common vision or objective.

Movements are collaborative endeavors fueled by a shared sense of purpose or cause. They entail the convergence of groups of individuals united to advocate for distinct social, political, or cultural transformations.

Disruptions encompass substantial forces or events with the capacity to alter environmental, social, or economic systems. These changes prompt adaptation, foster resilience, and stimulate transformative actions on a planetary scale.